Are You A Master Gardener?

Are you a master gardener? Do you look at your life as a garden, and take the time to seed it, to nurture it, to weed it, and then to sit back and enjoy the results? If not, then you may want to spend some time with Master Gardener Jordan Hoggard’s incredible new blog! Jordan is the author and artist for the “Mystereum Tarot” (lovingly self-published), and “Tarot In The Land Of Mystereum”, the updated version recently released from Schiffer Books. (Blatant self promotion – my review of “Tarot In The Land Of Mystereum” can be seen here – My 2008 interview with Jordan can be seen here –

This is a deck that is meant to be worked with on all levels, not just used for readings (or the occasional journey, ritual or ceremony – which it does well, with its bright colors!). To this end, Jordan has begun a new blog, which can be seen here: Anyone who knows Jordan, or has seen any amount of his work, knows they are in for a treat! (Note: I would love to see Jordan and Craig Conley take on a project together!)

Here are a few links to get you started:
Ones: Birth-Placing Identity
Three’s: Birth-Placing Clarity
Fives: Birth-Placing Identity
Eights: Birth-Placing Identity

Mystereum Comparative Tarot: Nine of Pentacles
Arcane 17: The Celestial Grooves of the Star
Death As The Master Gardener
Death As The Master Gardner – A 13 Card Spread

Thank you, Jordan, for so generously sharing your gardening wisdom!

(c) April 2011 Bonnie Cehovet

4 comments on “Are You A Master Gardener?

  1. r3v3r8 says:

    Without having the pack in my hands, what I’m reading here suggests that Jordan is head-on addressing what many Tarot folk stand at the edge of but never quite think about. On the surface we know that the Wands, Swords and Cups are not material in the sense that the Discs seem to be, but we still read them as “things & circumstances” instead of realizing that these suits represent invisible, pre-formative energies. So Jordan has tipped the table towards the internal dimensions. This removes the illusion of materiality from the cards, throwing emphasis on the internal and invisible experience of the psyche. Bravo! Moving inwardly with the cards helps to return them to their early usage as art-of-memory tokens, providing doorways into that private domain where we store up significances and embed whatever quotient of wisdom has been granted us. This is the practice of Image Magic — the image becomes a portal to the realm. Thank you for the reminder, Jordan, I hope more Tarot people take advantage of your assistance with entering their own Mysterium!


  2. Christine –

    You are right here! And Jordan is a master at tipping tables. 🙂 I fully agree with you – I am hoping that many more people see the viability in Jordan’s work, and take it into their own life!


  3. Big time thanks to both of you! I love the resonance of discussions I experience when people get into Mystereum and their own Mystereum. I love the art-of-memory tokens and Image Magic opening portals to psyche!
    I truly wish that people explore Mystereum, yes definitely to sell copies, but the service it is providing people transcends that and is what really amps the smile on my face . . . seeing people discover THEIR way.
    Jupiter’s Blessings,

  4. Jordan –

    Doesn’t Christine just rock! The reality is that we need to sell our decks/books etc to make a living, but a parallel reality is that if we can get our tools out there in the hands of the public, they will benefit exponentially. One deck/book, in the hands of even a small group of people will plant seeds that will grow a whole new world! 🙂


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