Review: A Happy Pocket Full of Money

A Happy Pocket Full of Money –
Infinite Wealth and Abundance in the Here and Now

Author: David Cameron Gikandi
Foreword: Bob Doyle
Hampton Roads Publishing
ISBN # 978-1-57174-736-5

A Happy Pocket Full Of Money cover

The edition of A Happy Pocket Full of Money that I am reviewing is the Expanded Study Edition. A by-line to this book might be “The Law of Attraction meets the real world”. Cameron is a native of Kenya, holding degrees in both International Business and Information Technology. His professional life includes real estate promoting and investing in Kenya, and an active seminar and motivational presence in the Internet. He was the creative consultant on the 2006 documentary The Secret, which was based on a book by Rhonda Byrnes.

In his foreword, Doyle, a featured teacher in The Secret, speaks of trying to find a way to make his life better, of looking for “proof” for the concepts he was hearing about. For Doyle, A Happy Pocket Full of Money filled in the blanks and gave him that proof. Since the time he read this book, Doyle has worked with Gikandi to spread the word of his teachings. It is interesting to note here that A Happy Pocket Full of Money was first available as a download on the Internet, before it took print form.

The first thing that Gikandi addresses is how we view money. He sees money as an illusion – as a form of legal tender used to exchange value. The true value of money resides within us, not outside of us. It is an aspect of our internal value. Material things only have the value that we give them. Gikandi goes on to say that we need nothing from outside of ourselves to increase our wealth consciousness – all that we need is within us. He then goes on to outline the steps to wealth consciousness that this book will take you on.

From there, Gikandi goes on to discuss quantum physics, showing how we are all connected, and showing the power of faith and right thinking. Readers begin to learn the concept that what we think is solid is not actually so, that the physical world is multi-dimensional, and made up of ideas and energy. How our thoughts form our physical reality.

Other interesting concepts that Gikandi covers include time being an illusion that we create ourselves – how our outer world mirrors our inner world, and how the present moment is the moment that we need to live in. Gikandi also discusses how to think in terms that are friendly t the universe and its laws. How to set goals that set us in the right way to wealth. He talks about being causing thinking – that essentially we are what we think, and that we need to act on what we think.

There is one chapter that I have some concerns about, and that is Money: How to Use the Symbol. There are suggestions here for breaking down spending, for dual citizenship, off shore accounts, and more. Check with your own ethics, and with the laws of your country, before you implement any of this.

A study guide is presented at the end of the book for individuals and small groups. The suggestions here are sound, but they are written out in paragraph format. For me personally, setting them out in bullet point format works better.

The overall premise for A Happy Pocket Full of Money is that true wealth is not about material things. It is about discovering value within yourself and others. It is a manner of conscious living that incorporates gratitude, a true belief in abundance, and the real experience of joy. Throughout the book we find the following mantra, in bold letters: I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.

The model that Gikandi has created for personal wealth shows readers how to create abundance by saving, giving offering charity, and building happy relationships (much along the line of the teachings from T Harv Ecker). Wealth is created through the use of an internal mantra, through living in the now, through conscious thoughts and intentions, and being willing to experience abundance and joy in your life.

I found this book to be of great benefit, making use of techniques that I already incorporate into my life. My advice is to take what works for you, and incorporate it into your life. Leave the rest behind. We all have to live with ourselves.

One last thought – this is a book to be kept handy as a reference. You might want to do what my sister did, and that is to highlight points that were important to her, and to put tabs on important sections for easy reference.

© June 2016 Bonnie Cehovet
Reproduction prohibited without the written permission of the author.