Review: The Heaven and Earth King Solomon Cards

Author: Orna Ben-Shoshan

Artist: Orna Ben-Shoshan

Published by: Kabbalah Insights


The “Heaven and Earth, King Solomon Cards” are a 44-card deck based on the ancient King Solomon seals. The cards and interpretation booklet come in a lavender box with a King Solomon seal in the middle. Under that (in Hebrew and English) is the notation that these cards are based on the ancient King Solomon seals and that their intended use is for personal guidance, insights, and prediction.

The back of the box carries the message (in Hebrew and English) that the cards are reliable for personal guidance, analysis, and prediction. They provide immediate answers to questions in all areas of life. The cards are suitable for everyone; no previous experience in card reading is required.

The cards are 3 1/8” by 6” and made of sturdy, glossy card stock; the card backs are lavender, with a King Solomon seal in the middle. There is no border per se, but a fine gold-colored line is approximately ¼” in from all four edges. The colors are muted, featuring a King Solomon seal centered at the top of the card, the card number centered in a small star in the bottom right-hand corner, and planetary symbols (Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, the Moon, Saturn, the Sun, and Venus) centered in a small star in the bottom left-hand corner.

There is an entre story within each card, based on the King Solomon symbol featured.

The accompanying 67-page instruction manual indicates that the seal on each card conveys a unique energetic frequency. Working with these cards is meant to bring understanding of the querants current situation, and an immediate answer to the question asked. The cards support spiritual development in that they provide advice, insights, and empowerment.

Instructions on how to conduct a reading are provided, with the caveat that only one card is drawn for each question and that it is best to ask no more than two questions per session. When asking questions about timing, a specific time period must be indicated in the question.

Because each card carries a sacred symbol, the whole deck acts as a “mega-generator” for good fortune in all areas of life.

Number 25, the 6th Pentacle of the Moon, speaks of Divine abundance flowing to the universe and to man continuously. The flow of lights of Grace are coming into the life of the querant through help and support from an external source. As the querant becomes spiritually empowered abundance comes into their life where they have felt deprivation and stagnation.

Number 31, the 6th Pentacle of Saturn, speaks of opportunities coming to the querent to transform negative emotions and harsh character traits and to connect to their noble and sacred aspects. This card indicates that the querent has been treated unfairly, perhaps even with betrayal. The anger and frustration that the querent feels are sucking their energy. This is a lesson in lowering ego and controlling pride.

Number 34, the 2nd Pentacle of the Sun, speaks of jealousy as being one of the most harmful factors for both the jealous person and the object of their jealousy. This card indicates that jealousy is affecting the querants life, causing blockages and delays. This can mean resistance and lack of support. These energies must be purified before the querant can see any improvement.

Number 38, the 6th Pentacle of the Sun, speaks of anger as a powerful, energetic entity that seeks every opportunity to cling to the querant. It is the embodiment of the evil instinct in man. The querent is warned of the seriousness of mistakes made under the influence of anger. This is a lesson of giving up pride and lowering ego.

These cards are excellent for addressing specific questions or for drawing a card to act as the energy of the day.

There are five extra cards in this deck that act as amulets.

Important Note: The cards come very carefully wrapped so that there can be no damage in shipping.

© June 2024 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproductions without permission from Bonnie Cehovet are prohibited.

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