Review: The Heaven and Earth King Solomon Cards

Author: Orna Ben-Shoshan

Artist: Orna Ben-Shoshan

Published by: Kabbalah Insights


The “Heaven and Earth, King Solomon Cards” are a 44-card deck based on the ancient King Solomon seals. The cards and interpretation booklet come in a lavender box with a King Solomon seal in the middle. Under that (in Hebrew and English) is the notation that these cards are based on the ancient King Solomon seals and that their intended use is for personal guidance, insights, and prediction.

The back of the box carries the message (in Hebrew and English) that the cards are reliable for personal guidance, analysis, and prediction. They provide immediate answers to questions in all areas of life. The cards are suitable for everyone; no previous experience in card reading is required.

The cards are 3 1/8” by 6” and made of sturdy, glossy card stock; the card backs are lavender, with a King Solomon seal in the middle. There is no border per se, but a fine gold-colored line is approximately ¼” in from all four edges. The colors are muted, featuring a King Solomon seal centered at the top of the card, the card number centered in a small star in the bottom right-hand corner, and planetary symbols (Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, the Moon, Saturn, the Sun, and Venus) centered in a small star in the bottom left-hand corner.

There is an entre story within each card, based on the King Solomon symbol featured.

The accompanying 67-page instruction manual indicates that the seal on each card conveys a unique energetic frequency. Working with these cards is meant to bring understanding of the querants current situation, and an immediate answer to the question asked. The cards support spiritual development in that they provide advice, insights, and empowerment.

Instructions on how to conduct a reading are provided, with the caveat that only one card is drawn for each question and that it is best to ask no more than two questions per session. When asking questions about timing, a specific time period must be indicated in the question.

Because each card carries a sacred symbol, the whole deck acts as a “mega-generator” for good fortune in all areas of life.

Number 25, the 6th Pentacle of the Moon, speaks of Divine abundance flowing to the universe and to man continuously. The flow of lights of Grace are coming into the life of the querant through help and support from an external source. As the querant becomes spiritually empowered abundance comes into their life where they have felt deprivation and stagnation.

Number 31, the 6th Pentacle of Saturn, speaks of opportunities coming to the querent to transform negative emotions and harsh character traits and to connect to their noble and sacred aspects. This card indicates that the querent has been treated unfairly, perhaps even with betrayal. The anger and frustration that the querent feels are sucking their energy. This is a lesson in lowering ego and controlling pride.

Number 34, the 2nd Pentacle of the Sun, speaks of jealousy as being one of the most harmful factors for both the jealous person and the object of their jealousy. This card indicates that jealousy is affecting the querants life, causing blockages and delays. This can mean resistance and lack of support. These energies must be purified before the querant can see any improvement.

Number 38, the 6th Pentacle of the Sun, speaks of anger as a powerful, energetic entity that seeks every opportunity to cling to the querant. It is the embodiment of the evil instinct in man. The querent is warned of the seriousness of mistakes made under the influence of anger. This is a lesson of giving up pride and lowering ego.

These cards are excellent for addressing specific questions or for drawing a card to act as the energy of the day.

There are five extra cards in this deck that act as amulets.

Important Note: The cards come very carefully wrapped so that there can be no damage in shipping.

© June 2024 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproductions without permission from Bonnie Cehovet are prohibited.

Angel Practitioner Handbook – A Foundation Guide (revised)

Author: Maria G. Mass

Balboa Press

Original Edition: 2016

Revised Edition: 2024

ISBN #978-1-5043-4684-9

“Angel Practitioner Handbook – A Foundation Guide” (2024) is a 94-page revised edition of the original 2016 edition. This book is intended to act as a comprehensive resource for those who wish to work with angels, and presents both background and techniques.

You will learn how to:

  • Enhance your spiritual connection with the angelic realm to receive Divine guidance, healing, and protection.

  • Understand and work with the law of vibration (LOV)

  • Communicate with your guardian angel.
  • Improve your intuition and develop your psychic abilities as you discover and expand your unique gifts.

  • Identify angel crystals and decode angel numbers.

  • Perform angel readings for yourself and others.
  • Build confidence in your skills as an angel practitioner and more!

In her introduction, Maas notes that she wrote this book with two purposes in mind: (1) That it acts as a companion handbook to her Certified Angel Practitioner TM Course, and (2) to serve as a guide for anyone learning how to connect with angels for everyday guidance.

At the end of her introduction is the first exercise presented in this book. The reader is asked to answer the following question: Why do you want to be an angel practitioner?

In the section on Angelology FAQS Maas answers questions about angel work, including:

  • Why did God create angels?
  • Are there a limited number of angels?
  • What are each of the three spheres?
  • Why should you invite angels into your life?

This book is meant to act as a foundation for angelic work, and it does its job well. Subjects covered include vibrational energy, how to raise vibrational energy, setting up an alter, how to deal with negative vibrational energy, how to ground and protect yourself, the chakras, how angels connect with us, how to connect with our guardian angel, receiving angelic guidance through dreams, a reference chart to the 15 archangels, angelic rays, and more.

The information in this book is presented in a way that is easily understandable and easily worked with. There are exercises to work with, as well as reference material.  People of all ages and backgrounds will find this book useful.

© April 2024 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written consent of the author.

Review: Mastering the Oracle Belline – A Complete Guide

Author: Serge Pirotte


Copyright 2024

ISBN #979-8-9898569-1-6

Pirotte notes that the oracle Belline is a best-selling oracle in French-speaking countries, similar to the popularity of the Tarot. The deck is composed of fifty-two cards, with an optional blue card. The richness of its symbolism enables precise interpretations.

This 248-page book provides an in-depth guide to interpreting the cards. In her foreword, Alison Cross notes that the Belline oracle may be viewed as the latest “forgotten” deck that deserves to be brought to the public’s attention ( similar to what happened to the Lenormand Tarot). It began to come to attention when Pirotte began using the Belline deck in his posts on his social channels.

In his introduction, Pirotte speaks of having a “convoluted” history with the oracle Belline. It is important to note Pirotte’s own history, being born in Belgium and moving to the United States in the 1990’s. Being immersed in two very different cultures and esoteric traditions has shaped how he chooses to read the cards. He also notes that France has a rich history of esotericism. For a long time, Pirotte used the Tarot for advice and the Lenormand for divination. He used the Belline oracle for personal readings.

Time evolved, and Pirotte now sees the oracle Belline as the Swiss Army knife of divination. He put together his notes and journals in order, and worked with a dictionary and a dictionary of symbols to formalize his writings. This book is the result of his personal journey with the cards.

Part 1 – First Steps shows how to research this oracle and what methods may be used to better understand it.

Part 2 – A Closer Look at the Cards goes through each individual card with a detailed interpretation.

Part 3 – Reading The Cards goes through how to format a question, shuffling and laying out the cards, and reading reversed cards. Several spreads are included, including the three-card advice spread and the classic five-card French Cross spread.

Part 4 is an appendices, which includes a listing of keywords for each card and a few words on the creator of the oracle Belline, Marcel Forget.

This oracle is new to me, and I appreciate the care that Pirotte has taken to make each card understandable and shining in its own light. Each card is presented with a small color photo, the name of the card, keywords, a description of the card, what the card means in different situations (as an asset, as a problem, as advice, as evolution, and as outcome.

(c) April 2024 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.

Review – Mind The Kracken and Other Curious Creatures

Author: Andrea Aste

Artist: Andrea Aste

Forward by: John Matthews

Andrea Aste Publishing


ISBN #978-1738440801

“An ocean without a monster lurking in the depths of

Its deep dark water is like a haunted house without

Creepily creaky floorboards.”

Andrea Aste

“Mind The Kraken and Other Curious Creatures” is an 81-page full-color exploration of the highly creative mind of artist/author Andrea Aste. It is a beautiful, high-quality hardcover book that delights the senses with its vivid, colorful imagery.

In his preface, John Matthews talks about adventurers who encounter strange creatures on their travels from Here to There.   He speaks of shamans as shape-changers, who used this skill to better understand the world around them. He states that mythical creatures are often focused around an idea or need experienced by humanity.   

The guide for our journey through this book is Aar Adesten, a fictional Elizabethan explorer who is rather eccentric. He navigates through uncharted territories in search of extraordinary mythological creatures.  

Readers are taken on an odyssey that encompasses the realms of human imagination and folklore. One never knows what one will find when one unleashes their imagination! (Interesting note: This book began as a storytelling game that Aste played with his  nephews.)

The mythological creatures in this book come from diverse cultures and epochs: pre-Columbian America, Classical Greece, Edo Japan, Viking sagas and much more.

The reader is drawn into a story that is part travelogue and part observations from a naturalists diary. Presented as a series of short stories, this book appeals to ages ten years and up. Magic happens when read together by parents and children, or grandparents and grandchildren.

Creatures included in this book include the very dangerous Kraken, the frightening El Coco, and the lovely, elusive Unicorn. Each creature is presented with a full-color drawing and identifying information (Size, Life Span, Habitat, and Diet.)

A really nice addition to this book is the inclusion of a very unique dictionary of Adestian English featuring words from the author’s imagination that add mystery and whimsy to the stories. Words that are listed include humongerous, menracious, sinisterachnid.

I also recommend that the reader pay attention to the author’s bio. Andrea Aste is a very accomplished individual in many areas and deserves recognition.

I recommend this book for all ages.

(c) December 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

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This work is not to be used in any form of AI training, or in any AI writing.

Review: Shift Calling – A Practical Guide To Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth

Author: Anna Gatmon, Ph.D.

Expansive Press


ISBN #‎ 979-8218255503

“The key to growth is the introduction
of higher dimensions of consciousness
into our awareness.”
—Lao Tz

This is an amazing book! “Shift Calling: A Practical Way To Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth” is a 196-page book based on the research and personal (and professional) experiences of the author. It is a follow-up to her first book: “Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World.” Anna Gatmon is an author, teacher, and spiritual guide whose path included becoming a supermodel before she became a modern mystic.

I am impressed with the flow of the table of contents, which is like stepping gently into another world. Part I addresses What Shifts Called Me? Part II addresses What Shift Is Calling You? Part III addresses The Practice of Shift Making. Part IV addresses Shifting Your Probabilities to Accelerate Your Growth. Part V addresses Shifting Your Perception of Yourself. Part VI addresses Shifting Your Perspective on the World. Part VII addresses Shifting Your Path Onward. The epilogue addresses Shifting Your Expectations.

In her introduction, Gatmon refers to the time of COVID-19 as a shift calling on a global level. The vaccination debate and the climate crisis acted as reminders that we are all interconnected. She sees the challenges and the shift forward as a form of spiritual awakening.

As you can see from the table of contents, this book flows in a very straightforward, logical way. Gatman writes in a manner that can be easily understood by all. Her writing is succinct, and her words paint a picture of different perspectives and how the shifts work. I feel that it exhibits a very shamanic nature.

Each section is preceded by a quote that is applicable to that section. Gatmon shares her personal history and experiences, which were not always easy. The reader will relate, making it easier for them to understand shifts and shifting. She also includes questions that the reader can answer for themselves. Reference is made to learning, including homeschooling and the Findhorn education center in Scotland.

This book has a very important section on how to use it. Shifting is something that is meant to be worked with, not just read about and filed away. At the end of each chapter is a question that will connect the reader to any shifts calling them. At the end of each part of the book is a reflection prompt to help the reader integrate suggestions into their life. It is suggested that the reader meditate on each new suggestion, practice it and integrate it into their life before moving on to the next chapter. It is all laid out for the reader and easy to incorporate into their life.

This book is all about finding yourself, understanding where you are, and building the path to where you want to be. The shifts and shifting in this book carry a very shamanistic quality. They need to be understood and actively worked with – not just words on a page. There is a graphic in the book called the Transformation Map that explains the process very well: (1) shift calling (identify which shift is calling you), moves into (2) expansive practice (practice an expansive principle), which moves into (3) empowering change (experience empowering change).

Gatmon has gifted the reader with a literal life map to define their purpose in life and live it fully. How to shift perceptions and perspectives so that life flows.

There are free bonuses available at, including access to: (1) meditation exercises, (2) sample exclusive courses, (3) spiritual guidance and support, (4) joining other like-minded spirits, and more.

(c) October 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.

This work is not to be used in any form of AI training or in any AI writing.

Review: The Beloved Dead

Author: Carrie Paris, Tina Hardt

Artist: Carrie Paris

Red Wheel/Weiser


ISBN #978-1578638109

“The Beloved Dead” is an 81-card oracle deck accompanied by a 144-page guidebook. Its purpose is to connect us with our past and open up the potential of our future through our ancestor archetypes (spirit guides). This is a wonderful way for us to ground and center ourselves, ask a question of the cards, and gain the collective wisdom of our ancestors.

The cards can represent a specific soul (living or in spirit), a memory, an event, or simply a way of looking at things.

The cards are 3 ½” by 5” and made of sturdy, glossy cardstock. The card faces have a ¼” dark brown border, with the card title in white lettering at the bottom. The imagery is in full color. The cards are edged in gold.

The cards are broken down into one Spirit Throne card, ten Act of Love cards, sixty-nine Beloved Dead cards, and one Ouija card.

The Spirit Throne card acts as a sacred space where we can call upon our ancestors and invite them in for conversation.

The Ouija card is the “wild card”. When it appears in a reading, it can indicate that there is a spirit lingering outside of the cards that have been drawn, or it can indicate that perhaps another question needs to be asked.

The Act of Love cards represent energetic transactions and choices that, once made, have the potential to release pain and shift the unconscious “drivers” that throw us out of alignment.

The Beloved Dead cards represent our ancestors. The authors note that this group of souls will have a lot to say about our day-to-day interactions, our personal dynamics, and the experiences that we encounter in life.

There is a section on how to attune to the cards, how to work with the Spirit Throne, and how to use an opening and closing ritual. (There are short sample invocations for both the opening and closing rituals that can be used until an individual can develop one of their own.)

Each card is presented with a full-color image and a write-up of what the card represents.

At the end of the book are some very special spreads that allow the individual to make the best use of this oracle. There is a general three-card spread, a three-card evidential spread, a twelve-card Beloved Dead spread, and a twelve-card pillar of personal power spread.  

In working with these spreads, I have found them to be a powerful gateway to connecting with my ancestors. There is great potential here for releasing the pain that has been carried on for a long time and coming to terms with our shadow issues.

You will get out of this deck what you put into it. Honor it, and it will honor you.

© September 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without written permission from the author.

Review: There Is A YOU – Poems and Paintings

Author: Victoria Dutu

Artist: Victoria Dutu



ISBN #1986178374

“There Is A You – Poems and Paintings” is a 178-page (e-book version) compilation of original art by Dutu and an original 85-stanza poem by Dutu that acts as a journey into the connection between the physical world and the spiritual world.

There is a wonderful history behind this book. It was written in four days of intense work—it was meant to be! In August of 2022, it was taken (Spanish and English versions) to the Medellin Columbia Poetry Festival. Quite the journey!

The words in this poem flow quite freely. Each stanza is relatively short and addresses a part of our journey to connect with spirit and then reflect that connection into our physical lives (the real world). You feel the energy of the Bridegroom and the Bride, and their importance to who and how we are.

I found it best to read each stanza, reflect on the associated painting, and take them into a small meditation before reading the next stanza. The book is meant to be experienced (as are all books, really).

Painting by Victorita Dutu.

The paintings that accompany the poems use images of large-sized angels, smaller human figures, long ladders going up into the sky, crosses, and stars. They are meaningful and useful as a focus for meditation on their own. (They are done in shades of blue and white and are easily entered for meditation purposes.)

I found the words and images in this book insightful and caring. There is peace to be found here.

© September 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without Bonnie Cehovet’s written approval.

Review: Emma’s European Adventure

Author: Greg Lassiter & Sofia Georgiou

Artist: Alice Sunshine

Archway Publishing

July, 2023

ISBN #978-1-6657-4763-9

“Emma’s European Vacation” is a 31-page book that features a Pit Bull named Emma. Her loving family is going on a European vacation, and Emma is very excited because she is going with them!

There are full-color illustrations on one page, with the story appearing on the opposite page. Each chapter is devoted to a different locality: Chapter 1 is London, England; Chapter 2 is Paris, France; Chapter 3 is Rome, Italy; Chapter 4 is Athens, Greece; Chapter 5 is Vienna, Austria; and Chapter 6 is Saint Moritz, Switzerland.

Emma has many adventures, including meeting the Queen’s Corgis in London, she tours an art gallery and visits the Eiffel Tower in France, visits the Trevi Fountain in Italy, tours ancient monuments in Athens, and goes snowboarding in Saint Moritz.

Emma meets other dogs that take her on her adventures and introduce her to the sites and cuisine of each country.

The illustrations are gentle and colorful – drawing the reader gently into the story. The audience for this book is intended to be children between the ages of 7 and 12.

The book is colorful and well-written, but I have a major issue with the use of QR codes. To me, they are distracting and take away from the joy of reading. They could also lead a child to spend more time with the online resources that the QR codes lead to rather than reading the book. This is a serious consideration, as in each chapter, Emma learns valuable lessons about acceptance, understanding, and kindness.

Children without the availability of devices with a QR scanner and availability to the Internet would not be able to access the online content.

The final page of this book addresses the issue of QR codes and how to use them. They do work (I checked them out myself). They allow the reader to visit the locations Emma has her adventures in, showing how they look in real life. They also lead to lesson plans for teachers and schools.

© September 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written consent of the author.

Review: Roses, Dust, & Ashes Oracle

Author: Stacey Williams-Ng

Artist: Stacey Williams-Ng

La Panthere Studio LLC


This deck and companion book are available on Etsy:

The “Roses, Dust & Ashes Oracle” is a 36-card oracle deck and 88-page guidebook. This is the first edition of this deck. The illustrations are hand painted, with the meanings of the symbols derived from Victorian cemeteries located in the southern part of the United States. (I emphasize this because cemeteries tend to take on the ambiance of the part of the country they are located in, and the southern U.S. states have customs and traditions that are very much their own.)

The deck and book come in a coffin-shaped box with a black velvet-like lining. The inside of the cover carries the following quote superimposed over two clasping hands:

“Though My Soul May Set In Darkness,

It Will Rise In Perfect Light –

I Have Loved The Stars Too Fondly

To Be Fearful Of The Night.”

from “the Old Astronomer to his Pupil”,

by Sarah Williams

The cards are 3 1/8″ by 5 1/8″. The backs are a muted red, with a gold skull and crossbones in the center and gold borders. The card edges are also gold. The card faces feature an image in the center, with the card number at the top and the card name at the bottom, in black letters against a gold background. The images are shades of dark and light, with no color. There is a very slender black border about 1/4″ in from the edge of the cards.

The guidebook begins with an introduction that talks about storytelling with pictures. Williams-Ng also talks about how Victorians viewed death and grieving. It continues on into an explanation of the cards. One page is devoted to each card, The card number and name appear at the top of the page, with a small image of the card below it. The symbols within the card are discussed, as well as the card’s general meaning.

Card number 14 is entitled Purity. There is a notation that this is the same number as Temperance in the Tarot. Purity is represented using the Victorian language of flowers by the Lily.

Card number 26 is entitled Rebirth. The image is termed a “cradle grave”, graves which can serve as flower garden planters and are kept up by volunteers.

Card number 29 is entitled Happiness. The image is that of a Lily of the Valley surrounded by a frame. It is a symbol of hope, renewal, and happiness.

The section on spreads presents three- and five-card spreads, with suggestions on how to define the positions.

There is a glossary of cemetery symbols that defines the symbols found within the cards. There is a short photo gallery at the end of the book.

This is an amazing deck that is very easy to work with. This work gives the reader another way to view and understand cemeteries and the symbols associated with them.

August 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is not permitted without written permission from the author.

Review: Sweet Lullaby Poems

Sweet Lullaby Poems

Author: Judy Mastrangelo, Jane Taylor, et al

Artist: Judy Mastrangelo

Publisher: Enchanted Books

June 16th, 2023


“Sweet Lullaby Poems” is a 40-page book based on well-loved bedtime poems from the past. Each poem is accompanied by imagery from artist/author Judy Mastrangelo. The list of poems includes Rock-A-Bye Baby (Mother Goose Rhyme), Bed In Summer (Robert Louis Stevenson); Where Do You Come From Baby Dear? (George MacDonald); Little Boy Blue (Mother Goose Rhyme); All The Pretty Little Horses (American Lullaby); Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Jane Taylor); Evening Dreams (Judy Mastrangelo); Lullaby And Goodnight (Johannes Brahms); and Angel Prayer (Adelheid Wette).

Note: The imagery for “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” takes the form of a young girl’s dream that includes gentle fantasy animals. It is incredible!

Other imagery includes a baby in a cradle for “Rock-A-Bye Baby”; “Bed In Summer” features a young child in a nightgown and nightcap, holding a candle; “Where Did You Come From Baby Dear?” features a child sleeping on the moon; Little Boy Blue features a young boy, asleep with his horn at his side and cows in a pasture; “All The Pretty Little Horses features horses; “Angel Prayer” features a young boy and a young girl seated together, being serenaded by angels.

One of my favorite poems in this book is one that is both written and illustrated by Judy Mastrangelo, entitled “Evening Dreams”. The reader is taken into the faery world by a lovely faery who is sleeping on the moon, surrounded by gentle guardian spirits. This is the world that we want our children and grandchildren to see; this is the world that we want to see.

The artwork in this book is gentle and peaceful, lending itself to being used for bedtime stories, story hours, or just quiet time between a child and an adult. It is a time out from the day-to-day world and a good way to connect with a child.

June 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.