Review: Everyday Enlightenment Cards

Everyday Enlightenment Cards

Author: Becky Lundin
Privately Published
ISBN #978-1-7342615-0-9

“Everyday Enlightenment” is a deck of 48 cards based on “Today I Am” statements that are meant to set a focus for your day. It comes with a downloadable PDF on breathing, and the benefits of breath work. Their creator, Becky Lundin, is a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Reiki Master, and a student of many different forms of healing. There are two extra cards that come with the deck – a card that lists Becky’s credentials and her intent for the deck, and a card that explains how to use the deck.

The cards are approximately 3” by 5” – very easy to hold and shuffle. The front contains the words “Today I Am”, followed by a word to focus on, such as Blessed, Flexible, Joyful, Prosperous, or Successful. The back of the card carries suggestions on how to put the energy to use in your life, and questions to ask yourself.

 One of my favorite cards is “Today I Am Blessed”. The back of the card reads: “Breathe in the energy of being blessed, hold that feeling while you declare out loud “I am blessed.” The second paragraph reads: “We are all blessed with so much in our lives. What are the top five blessings, big or little, that come to you today? Write them in a gratitude journal every morning or evening to remind yourself how blessed you are.

I find this deck easy to use, a wonderful way to place focus into my day, and a valuable tool of empowerment. And … this is the first deck in a proposed series of decks that we can use to empower ourselves!

The cards can be purchased here:

© January 2020 Bonnie Cehovet
Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the author.